Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Alternatives to Shipping Your Car Across the Country

Moving your vehicle across the country can be a challenge but if you get smart on with your options you won’t be painted into a corner and waste time, money and other resources.  Shipping your car can be done efficiently and safely if that is what you chose.
Instead of shipping your vehicle from one town to another, you can sell your personal belongings and haul necessities with you.  This can be difficult for larger families that have acquired more items over time.  But, it still boils down to lightening your load of belongings.  Large families can still sell a lot of their personal assets and drive their personally owned vehicle.  A road trip can be a memorable time, and you will gain experience for the next time you travel.  The reason it’s wise to drive your own vehicle is because you know its limits and its history.  

If you know that your vehicle has certain limits and cannot endure a road trip, you can hire a vehicle transportation company to move your car or truck for you.  Just be aware that not all companies will cater to your vehicle like you would.  If you have a high value vehicle, make sure you complete the appropriate paperwork and have the right insurance coverage to protect the movement of your car from possible neglect or damage.

Prepping your vehicle for a moving semi is very important and it can save you a lot of heartache if you prepare your vehicle so it is safe.  Check your vehicle for leaks.  If your vehicle hasn’t had a recent inspection there is a chance that the oil or other fluids may be seeping from the engine compartment.  If it’s discovered that your car is leaking, you may have to pay for damage if it affects other vehicles that are being transported.  Many make the mistake of “juicing” up their car with gas.  This is not smart, if the hauler gets in an accident your vehicle becomes a gas ball, so it’s safer to keep your vehicle to no more than a quarter of the tank full.  

Another task to consider is to remove all personal belongings from the car.  Take down your antenna or any satellite receivers, pull mirrors in, and remove any electronics from your dash.  This will deter criminals from snooping around the semi-truck that is hauling your vehicle.  If these things are visible, it can lure thieves in for easy pickings.  If your vehicle is a higher class automobile, then there’s surely to be an intricate alarm system.  It’s important to “null” your alarm, in other words, disable your alarms system.  If the alarm triggers during the car shipping, it can cause distraction among the driver, and other travelers on the road, and you don’t want your negligence of disarming your alarm system to cause create a safety hazard on the road.

Whether you drive your vehicle or have it shipped, always have a plan, and keep organized.  Provide yourself enough lead time to find out the best auto transport companies to transport your vehicle and also to make sure you can get your vehicle inspected for flaws before it is shipped.  Shipping your car is stressful but if you do it right, and with the right company,  you’ll fell at ease and it will be shipped safe. To request a free car shipping quote, please visit us at http://autolinetransport.com/quote.html.  

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Auto Shipping Leads - Reasons to Avoid Them

Using an auto transport lead generating site is not usually a good idea. There are many reasons, but first and foremost, using these sites is much too general for the precision that auto transportation needs. In order to choose the correct auto transport company, it is best to have a good amount of knowledge about the company to choose correctly as well as person to person references and reviews. Another reason why auto transport lead generating sites are not a good idea is because most of the numbers that show up on these sites are untrue or actually taken out of context. The information given to these lead generating sites is not the actual cost or information that pertains to the company itself. It is a general number that could actually have changed drastically since it was updated on the site. And, there is no way to tell for sure what price is for what vehicle unless you actually speak to the transport company yourself. Transport companies have different prices for different services and instead of getting information from a lead generating site, it is in your best interest to contact the auto transport company directly and ask them about specials or deals that may be going on at that current time. The auto transport lead generating sites are not updated with recent information, so they will not know about deals or sales that might be going on. The main idea is that auto transport lead generating sites are a scam meant to get customers “in the door”. Although, it may be a good tactic for the lead generating sites themselves, it is horrible for consumers because it just one big waste of time when the price and information is suddenly changed on the consumer at the very last minute, along with being annoying and a waste of time, it is completely unethical. Next time you are looking for an auto transport company, skip the lead generating sites and go directly to the source where you will find the best deals and honest policies from the get-go. 

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Auto Shipping Tips

When you need an auto transport service to move your vehicle from one part of the country to another, finding the right vehicle shipping service might become a challenging task. The concerns and questions that arise for different individuals are diverse; yet, each may require its own unique solution.
Just a brief talk with those who have already used professional auto shipping service can be quite revealing. Many have been overwhelmed by this experience, especially during the selection and contract completion phases.
Regardless of whether you desire local automobile transport, or you are in need of international vehicle transport delivery, and open or enclosed car shipments, the situation you face remains worth the research you now witness within this writing.
Without a doubt, a monumental investment of your money and time can be avoided by reading current facts about auto transport scenarios and the vehicle shipping industry. For instance, it may be surprising to some individuals to discover that two different people can receive drastically different price quotes when asking about the exact same vehicle transport service. Often, when it comes to a discussion about rates, the buyer must take a close look at his or her own budget circumstances, and choose the right service and auto transport company that can accommodate the your needs. Essentially, your task is simply to find the firm which will best cooperate with you, both on pricing and the minute details of delivery.
Before you select a firm for automobile transport or vehicle shipping, conduct the necessary research. This will help you to avoid the most common problems experienced in everyday auto transport situations. Such problems include matters of inflated pricing, the misinterpretation or omission of contractual clauses, and assumptions about standard services, which may or may not actually appear in your particular vehicle shipping agreement.
To avoid such frustrating auto transport scenarios, consider these following tips:
--  Investigate your prospect to verify that you will receive complete and full insurance coverage for virtually any and every circumstance that may arise.
-- Actually seek out "door-to-door" auto transport services because often the pricing for direct delivery is no higher than selecting a generalized "location" drop-off point.
-- When receiving quotes, especially instant ones, be sure to account for the "inherent surcharges" which are either assumed, or listed in fine print within your vehicle-shipping contract.  Make sure you select a company that does not have hidden surcharges.
--Do not be afraid to ask for "extras" or "special considerations," as these can sometimes be included in your vehicle transport deal without added costs.
In a nutshell, the auto transport industry is actually much more flexible than the general public might believe. However, it is truly necessary to perform lots of legwork, in advance of your final vehicle shipping service or delivery selection.
Are you ready to invest in affordable quality auto shipping at this time? Even if you simply need to expound upon the information you currently have, calls us today or feel free to roam our website to discover surprisingly helpful details.